Revamping Your Build Process: Replacing Custom Build Config Fields for Gradle 9
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Revamping Your Build Process: Replacing Custom Build Config Fields for Gradle 9

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Are you tired of dealing with the limitations of custom build config fields in your Gradle projects? With the release of Gradle 9, it’s time to say goodbye to those pesky custom fields and hello to a more streamlined build process. In this article, we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to replace those custom build config fields and supercharge your Gradle builds.

Why Replace Custom Build Config Fields?

Custom build config fields have been a staple of Gradle builds for a while, but they come with their own set of limitations. For one, they’re not type-safe, which means you can easily introduce errors into your build script. Moreover, they’re not as flexible as other configuration options, making it difficult to adapt to changing project requirements. With Gradle 9, you can ditch those custom fields and take advantage of more robust and maintainable configuration options.

Migrating to Extensions

The first step in replacing custom build config fields is to migrate to extensions. Extensions are a powerful feature in Gradle that allow you to add custom functionality to your builds. To create an extension, you’ll need to define a class that implements the Extension interface. Let’s take a look at an example:

// MyExtension.gradle
package com.example.myextension

import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.extension.Extension

class MyExtension implements Extension<MyExtension> {
    String myProperty

In this example, we’ve created a simple extension called MyExtension that has a single property called myProperty. To use this extension in your build script, you’ll need to register it in your build.gradle file:

// build.gradle
plugins {
    id 'com.example.myextension'

myExtension {
    myProperty = 'Hello, World!'

That’s it! You’ve successfully replaced your custom build config field with a robust and maintainable extension.

Using Gradle Properties

Another way to replace custom build config fields is to use Gradle properties. Gradle properties are a great way to configure your builds without having to resort to custom fields. To use a Gradle property, simply add it to your file:

//, World!

Then, in your build script, you can access the property using the map:

// build.gradle
task myTask {
    doLast {

This will print “Hello, World!” to the console when you run the myTask task.

Using Configuration Avoidance API

The Configuration Avoidance API is a new feature in Gradle 9 that allows you to avoid configuring your builds using custom fields. Instead, you can use a more declarative approach to configure your builds. Let’s take a look at an example:

// build.gradle
configurations {
    myConfig {
        resolutionStrategy {
            eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
                details.targetConfiguration = 'compile'

In this example, we’ve defined a configuration called myConfig that uses the Configuration Avoidance API to configure the resolution strategy for dependencies. This approach is much more flexible and maintainable than using custom build config fields.

Best Practices for Replacing Custom Build Config Fields

When replacing custom build config fields, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use meaningful names for your extensions and properties: Avoid using generic names like “customField1” or “myProperty”. Instead, use meaningful names that describe the purpose of the extension or property.
  • Document your extensions and properties: Make sure to document your extensions and properties so that other developers can understand how to use them.
  • Test your extensions and properties: Thoroughly test your extensions and properties to ensure they’re working as expected.
  • Avoid using custom build config fields altogether: If possible, try to avoid using custom build config fields altogether and opt for more robust and maintainable configuration options.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When replacing custom build config fields, there are a few common pitfalls to avoid:

  1. Don’t over-engineer your extensions: Avoid making your extensions too complex or powerful. Keep them simple and focused on a specific task.
  2. Don’t use extensions for everything: Extensions are powerful, but they’re not always the best solution. Use them judiciously and only when necessary.
  3. Don’t forget to document your extensions: Documentation is key when it comes to extensions. Make sure to document them thoroughly so that other developers can understand how to use them.


Replacing custom build config fields for Gradle 9 is a straightforward process that requires some planning and effort. By migrating to extensions, using Gradle properties, and leveraging the Configuration Avoidance API, you can create more robust and maintainable builds. Remember to follow best practices and avoid common pitfalls to ensure a smooth transition.

Old Way New Way
Custom build config fields Extensions
Custom build config fields Gradle properties
Custom build config fields Configuration Avoidance API

By adopting these new approaches, you’ll be able to create more efficient and effective builds that are easier to maintain and extend. So what are you waiting for? Start revamping your build process today!

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about replacing custom build config fields for Gradle 9? We’ve got you covered!

What’s the deal with custom build config fields in Gradle 9?

Gradle 9 introduces a new way of handling build configuration, and custom build config fields are no exception. You’ll need to replace them with the new API to ensure compatibility.

How do I replace custom build config fields with the new API?

You can replace custom build config fields by creating a new extension on the Project object, and then using the `project.configure()` method to configure the extension. This will allow you to access the custom fields in your build script.

What’s the equivalent of `ext.customField` in Gradle 9?

In Gradle 9, you can access custom fields using the `project.extensions.getByType(` syntax, where `MyExtension` is the name of your extension and `customField` is the name of the field.

Can I still use `` to access custom build config fields?

Nope! In Gradle 9, `` is deprecated, and you should use the new extension-based API to access custom build config fields. This will ensure that your build script is compatible with future versions of Gradle.

Where can I find more resources on replacing custom build config fields in Gradle 9?

You can check out the Gradle 9 documentation, as well as online forums and tutorials. The Gradle community is also a great resource for getting help with migrating your build script to the new API.