Solving the “Skipping playwright test gives pytest is not defined” Conundrum
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Solving the “Skipping playwright test gives pytest is not defined” Conundrum

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in the midst of a frustrating error that’s driving you crazy. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to delve into the heart of the matter and emerge victorious on the other side!

The Scenario: A Playwright Test Gone Wrong

Imagine this: you’ve meticulously crafted a Playwright test, pouring your heart and soul into its every line. You’ve triple-checked your code, confident that it’s bug-free and ready to shine. But when you run your test, disaster strikes:

Error: pytest is not defined

Your world comes crashing down. The error message taunts you, refusing to budge. You’re left staring at your code, wondering what on earth went wrong. Fear not, for we’re about to dive into the solution.

The Culprit: Misconfigured Playwright Installation

The primary cause of this error lies in a misconfigured Playwright installation. When you install Playwright, it doesn’t automatically set up pytest for you. You need to take matters into your own hands. Let’s get hands-on and fix this!

Step 1: Install Pytest

If you haven’t already, install pytest using pip:

pip install pytest

This will ensure you have pytest installed and ready to roll.

Step 2: Configure Playwright to Use Pytest

Create a new file called `pytest.ini` in your project’s root directory. Add the following lines:

testpaths = tests
python_files = test_*.py

This configuration tells pytest to look for tests in the `tests` directory and to run files that start with `test_`.

Step 3: Write Your Playwright Test

Create a new file in the `tests` directory, e.g., ``. Add the following code:

import pytest
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright

def browser():
    p = sync_playwright().start()
    browser = p.chromium.browser_type.launch()
    yield browser

def test_example(browser):
    # Your test code here

This code sets up a basic Playwright test using pytest. Don’t worry too much about the details; we’ll get to those in a bit.

How to Write Effective Playwright Tests

Now that we’ve got our setup in order, let’s dive into the world of Playwright testing. Here are some essential tips and tricks to get you started:

1. Understanding the Sync API

The Sync API is Playwright’s way of providing a synchronous interface for testing. It’s essential to understand how it works to write effective tests. Here’s a breakdown:

import sync_playwright

p = sync_playwright().start()
browser = p.chromium.browser_type.launch()

In this example, we start a new Playwright instance and launch a chromium browser. The `sync_playwright()` function returns a Playwright object, which we use to launch the browser.

2. Using Fixtures

Fixtures are a crucial part of pytest. They allow you to set up and tear down resources needed for your tests. In our example, we used a fixture to launch the browser:

def browser():
    p = sync_playwright().start()
    browser = p.chromium.browser_type.launch()
    yield browser

This fixture sets up a browser instance and yields it to our test function. After the test finishes, the fixture tears down the browser.

3. Writing Test Functions

A test function is where the magic happens. It’s where you write the code that interacts with your application and asserts expectations:

def test_example(browser):
    page = browser.pages[0]
    assert page.title() == "Example Domain"

In this example, we create a new page, navigate to ``, and assert that the page title is “Example Domain”. Simple yet effective!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

As you delve deeper into the world of Playwright testing, you might encounter some common issues. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!

1. Browser Instance Not Closing

If your browser instance refuses to close, check that you’re using the `yield` keyword in your fixture:

def browser():
    p = sync_playwright().start()
    browser = p.chromium.browser_type.launch()
    yield browser  # <--- Missing yield?

The `yield` keyword ensures that the browser is properly closed after the test finishes.

2. Tests Failing Due to Page Navigation

If your tests are failing due to page navigation issues, make sure you're using the correct `goto` method:

page.goto("", wait_until="networkidle2")

The `wait_until` parameter ensures that the page has fully loaded before proceeding with the test.


And there you have it, folks! With these instructions and troubleshooting tips, you should be well on your way to writing effective Playwright tests with pytest. Remember to:

  • Install pytest and configure Playwright to use it
  • Write effective test functions using the Sync API and fixtures
  • Troubleshoot common issues like browser instance closure and page navigation

Happy testing, and remember: when life gives you errors, debug and conquer!

Error Message Solution
pytest is not defined Install pytest and configure Playwright to use it
Browser instance not closing Use the yield keyword in your fixture
Tests failing due to page navigation Use the correct goto method with wait_until parameter
  1. Playwright Documentation: Testing with Pytest
  2. Pytest Documentation

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the error "Skipping playwright test gives pytest is not defined"? Worry not, we've got you covered!

Why do I get "pytest is not defined" when skipping playwright tests?

This error usually occurs when you're trying to skip a playwright test without having pytest installed or imported in your test file. Make sure you've installed pytest using pip (pip install pytest) and imported it in your test file (import pytest). If you're still stuck, try reinstalling pytest or checking your import statement!

How do I skip a playwright test in my Python script?

To skip a playwright test, you can use the @pytest.mark.skip() decorator above your test function. For example, @pytest.mark.skip("Test is currently broken") def test_my_test(): ... This will skip the test and display the reason "Test is currently broken" in your test output.

Can I skip a playwright test conditionally based on certain conditions?

Yes, you can! Pytest provides a `pytest.mark.skipif` decorator that allows you to skip a test based on a condition. For example, @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 8), reason="Requires Python 3.8+") def test_my_test(): ... This will skip the test if the Python version is less than 3.8.

What's the difference between `pytest.mark.skip` and `pytest.mark.xfail`?

`pytest.mark.skip` marks a test as skipped, meaning it won't be executed at all. On the other hand, `pytest.mark.xfail` marks a test as expected to fail, but it will still be executed. If the test passes, it will be reported as an unexpected pass. If it fails, it will be reported as an expected failure.

Can I use `pytest.mark.skip` with other pytest plugins?

Yes, `pytest.mark.skip` can be used with other pytest plugins, such as pytest-django or pytest-selenium. However, make sure to check the plugin's documentation for any specific requirements or limitations. Some plugins might have their own skipping mechanisms or requirements.

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